About the CDT

  • Updated


Q: What is the CDT test? 
CDT stands for Classroom Diagnostic tools. It is a set of online tools designed to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and provide support to students and teachers. These tools assist educators in identifying students’ academic strengths and areas of need, providing links to classroom resources. The CDT is:

  • Based on content assessed by the Keystone Exams and the Pennsylvania System of School
    Assessment (PSSA).
  • Comprised of multiple-choice items.
  • Delivered as an online computer adaptive test (CAT), ensuring valid and reliable measures of a
    student’s skills, while minimizing testing time.

Q: Who takes the CDT test?
A: Students in various grades take CDT assessments.

Q: Is the test graded?
A: S
tudents don’t receive a traditional score on the assessment, so there is no need to worry about passing or failing.

Q: How long will the test take?
A: Each CDT should take the typical student 50 to 90 minutes to complete. Each CDT assessment is between 48 and 60 items in length.

Q: Do the CDT assessments have a time limit for student completion? May a student
complete an exam the next day?

A: There is no time limit for a student to complete a CDT assessment. Students are encouraged to use the pause feature to take a break if needed, and can even pause overnight and finish the next day.

Q: Why are we doing this? 
At PALCS, we strive to offer individualized instruction. The CDT test will help us to do an even better job of doing that.

Q: How do students take the CDT assessments?
A: CDT assessments are taken on the student’s PALCS issued computer through the "DRC Insight Browser." Further directions and information related to the Insight Browser and test procedure are found on this page.

Learn more about the CDT at the PDE's website: 

Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT)