Sometimes it may appear as if the PALCS Lobby is reporting more pending emails than what is showing up in your Gmail inbox. If your Email icon looks like there are unread messages but you cannot find any in your inbox, you may need to search other spots as Gmail can sometimes "hide" emails in different categories.
The best place to look is Gmails "All Mail" folder, to access this click on the "More" button at the left side of Gmail.
Then click on the "All Mail" button. This will display ALL the emails in your entire Gmail, not just in your Inbox. This is useful for finding unread emails that are hiding in different categories/folders that do not show up in the default "Inbox" view.
Another useful tool is to use the Search function to look for unread emails. Click on the "Search mail" field at the top of your Gmail window.
And then enter "is:unread" into the search window and then press enter. It will then display any emails in your entire Gmail that are unread.
Between those two tools, you should be able to find any "hidden" emails that are inflating your email count displayed within the PALCS School Lobby. You will need to refresh Lobby page before the new count will display.